The protection of badgers, their setts and their habitat


We cover Scarborough and Whitby areas, extending this wherever practical and possible

We are wildlife enthusiasts, working on a purely voluntary basis


Scarborough area: 07498571724 or 07986244381

Whitby area: 07950181869

Who we are

We are wildlife enthusiasts, working on a purely voluntary basis.

What we do

  • Monitor setts. Check for signs of current activity.
  • Respond to and deal with reports of badgers in distress.
  • Report wildlife crime to the appropriate authority.
  • Survey badger habitats on request.
  • Inspect local plans for developments affecting badger habitat.
  • Advise on badger law.
  • Give advice to householders with a badger problem.
  • Liaise with Natural England and RSPCA.

What we can't do

  • Control the activity of badgers.
  • Translocate healthy badgers.
  • Dispose of all road casualties.

Where we operate

We basically cover Scarborough and Whitby areas, extending this wherever practical and possible.

Links to like-minded organisations